Thursday, May 31, 2012

APOD 4.8

                  This image is very unique. To think of the small moon as an ice ball is somwhat confusing. The moon Helena has such smooth and flowing surface features. To think of this idea as the result of ice does not compare to that which is imagined of ice on earth. Natural forming ice is jagged and sharp. The only way the surface could form into the flush state it is in now is if liquid water cooled as it was moving, such as rivers that freeze over. They appear frozen in time as the liquid has been set in stone and appears to be in motion but is solidified. Hopefully more research is done on the unique image and some answers or conclusions can be developed.

APOD 4.7

                   The green flash! Where is davey Jones and captain William Turner? Are they ferrying souls across to the other side. And what happened to captain Jack, last I heard he was chasing the search for the fountain of youth. Well none of them are present in this picture, however the famous green flash was captured on film. This is the first time I have ever seen a photograph of the actual event occur. Unfortunaetly i dont know of any methods in predicting the nights it will occur. Even though it is an instant event, this photographer must have been capturing some other time lapse and got lucky, as you cant predict an event such as this.

APOD 4.6

           I can only imagine the trouble it is for astronomers to observe Mercury. With the planet being in such a close distance to the sun Im sure it is somewhat impossible to gain visual observations of the planet. The imge is very cool and portrays just how difficult it is to even spot Mercury. I must appreciate however not being so close to the sun when witnessing this image. It make me understand that if Earth was not at its prime location is correlation to the Sun the human species would not be what it is today if even exist. Our location provides the perfect range of temperatures for our kind to survive.

APOD 4.5

                   This is the APOD organization responding to my previous blogger post about solar eclipses at sunset. I guess Africa is not the only location for such an event to occur. Texas is much closer so Im glad I wont have to travel too far to see such an awe inspiring occurrence. This APOD however minimizes my enthusiasm to go see such an event as i guess its not as uncommon as I assumed it would be. Hopefully this occurs in Florida as Siesta Key beach would be a prime spot to witness such an event.

APOD 4.4

                 This is so cool. I have never seen anything like this before. I was unaware that with the alignment of the sun and the moon that an eclipse at sunset was even possible. I assume this is a very rare occurence. Talk about your sunsets, that is an awesome way to end the day. I would compare an event like this to witnessing the rumored green flash at sunset. I wonder if Manila Bay is the optimum location for wiitnessing such an event or if it was just the specific night that this was the location it occured in where it was best visible.

APOD 4.3

             Its amzing that such an event occurs. When you think about how big space is, its unfathomable because no one knows how big space actually is. All the vast distances between objects in the sky and we can visually witness an event where two objects have such an encounter on one another. Let alone for the shadow of the moon to actually cover parts of the Earth. Its just a physical effect that is amazing that would be a rare occurence to see in any other part of the galaxy.

APOD 4.2

             I found this picture very interesting as just the other day I was watching the television and watched a show about the earths water. Apparently in Australia they rely heavily on the desalinization of salt water to source their fresh water to cities for drinking, showering etc....The statistics of the show claimed that the major facility in Australia is consuming 90 million gallons of water a day from the ocean. I hope there wont be any side effects to come from such a large amount of water being removed from the ocean on a daily basis.