Sunday, March 4, 2012

Astronomer- Percival Lowell

       Percival Lowell born March 13, 1855. Died November 12, 1916. Born in Boston, Mass. Lowell was a very important astronomer in the early stages of the understandings of planetary existence. Lowell believed in planets beyond the at the time furthest known planet of Neptune. Ultimately discovering Pluto. Also known for his extensive studies of Mars and its odd canal like structures. 
       Based off this obsession of planets Lowell established an observatory is Flagstaff, Arizona. In his observatory he created two telescopes, a 12 inch and an 18 inch refractor telescopes. Lowell was convinced that there had to have been a superior alien civilization on Mars. He believed that the canals were definite proof of an intelligent civilization capable of utilizing the polar caps for water. Lowell even named dark spots on the planet "oases" as he hypothesized of their lake like parallel.
       Lowells theories were widely criticized as other astronomers were not as accepting of Lowells beliefs. Nevertheless, despite all opposition Lowell published two books; "Mars and its Canals", and "Mars as the Abode of Life". Lowell never dropped his beliefs all the way until his death in 1916. Lowell was a very important astronomer who contributed a great deal of knowledge to our now current understandings of astronomical facts. Lowell was so beneficial to Astronomy that when naming the rings of Neptune one of the rings was named after him along with other astronomers who were influential in the field of Astronomy. 

              "Lowell, Percival." Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Vol. 8. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008. 520-523. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 4 Mar. 2012

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