Thursday, January 12, 2012

Star Gaze- Observations

October 23, 2011 8:00-10:00 pm
         The night was another success. We started by looking up at the sky to observe Scorpious just above the horizon. After that we used the binocular stand to look at the many stars that ran through Scorpious and Saggitarius. Following we observed Delphinus and Jobs Coffin directly west over the shell parking lot. Opposite from Delphinus we saw Jupiter and Hercules. I found it interesting that with the telescope we were actually able to view four of Jupiters moons. A little after 8:15 we then viewed the Hubble Telescope orbiting above us. Amazingly as it approached our zenith it increased in brightness and then slowly faded away as it continued onward. We saw a bunch of satellites along with the hubble as well. Followin g the hubble we used the awesome laser pointer and identified constellations. We found polaris and then identified Casseopia which then led to identifying Cepheus. We also saw a meteor flash across the sky about fifteen minutes before nine pm. All in all the night was awesome and educational. 

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