Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Astronomy Observations- 6

October 21, 2011
             - Continued astronomy night.....Another interesting part of the night was the shorter telescope aimed at Jupiter. Jupiter was extremely bright and was in the north east portion of the sky. The telescope was very focused and actually made the off colored rings on Jupiters surface distinctly visible. After the first telescope passed, I was amazed that four other telescopes were spotted that night. No shooting stars were spotted that night. Throughout the night we referred back to Deneb, Altair and Vega, in order to find the summer triangle and other objects within their respective constellations. Lyra had two binary systems. Another awesome moment of the night was the meteor flash around 8:50 at night. Again I was most fascinated by the satellites, and after studying the Hubble Telescope we actually observed it passing across the sky.

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